Hi from LA.

Weโ€™re The Yoberts. Thanks for swinging by and enjoy what you you find!

Peak Seekers! Sandstone Peak!

Peak Seekers! Sandstone Peak!

We are back from Europe and ready to hike the Appalachia -- oh wait.. we mean the Santa Monica Mountains! We recently stumbled upon an account of a guy who hiked Sandstone Peak


Needless to say - We also had to hike Sandstone Peak!

After some quick google searching, and convincing some friends to join - we set off - blasting every 90's pop song we could remember.

Getting There: Pop theSandstone Peak Trailhead into your gps. There's a decent sized parking lot and also a bathroom. Just in case you got a little to excited and need to pee.

On the trail: After about a half mile of walking, you'll reach the first junction point. Turn Left. This will take you up the backbone trail towards the peak.

After the first turn, there really isn't too much to look out for other than the beautiful views! After about 1.5 miles there is an option to do a little bouldering to get to the peak, otherwise you can keep walking until the trail branches and you go to the left. Unfortunately, this bouldering option isn't defined by any geography. You'll either see people headed that way or see their marks. It's up a little ravine into the trees on the left side.


This is where that lil offshoot is. The part highlighted is the non-bouldering option.


Technically Speaking, Here's what we're dealing with:


Here are some photos: We definitely recommend bringing water/ snacks!

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