Green Is Definitely Not Our Color
Well – that’s half true. We love green and actually it’s Cristian’s favorite color.
What didn’t work out so much for us though was using green in anything beyond plants at our wedding. Hold that – maybe this is a blessing in disguise – a March wedding, with a lot of green? Idk - See us below*

Long story short we really had our hearts set on wearing Green to our wedding. Forest Green to be exact. We thought it would POP or something. Be memorable? It’s our wedding and we wanted to feel special.
Well, sad news – NO ONE makes a nice green suit. Or, if they do (ASOS) they only make 1 of each size because you literally cannot buy them off the website.
Hold that thought
Corey found 2 green suits in our sizing and jumped on the order from Asos. This was really exciting because we were at least finally trying something on after months of “oh… what about this” or “oh… what about that”. Also, the benefit here was they were on super sale and for about $80 each, we’d have a suit.
Not only did we look like the twins from the shining (when we wore the same suit) but we kind of looked like a couple of desaturated jolly green giants. Back to the drawing board.
No pics because we don’t want them on the internet…..