A Hike Gone Accidental
Our friend Max really wanted to go hike San Gabriel with us this weekend - which, you really don't need to ask twice with us! Well... that's a half lie, leaving West Hollywood seems to be the last thing we ever want to do. Not for any reason in particular, we're just lazy. We digress.
We hopped in the car early in the am and Cristian plugged in some coordinates and we were on our way. At some point in the drive we realized we were driving back toward Los Angeles, BUT, all was not lost. We turned that car around and back to the mountains we were off. Fast Forward a bit of time and we arrive at some weird ass CA Forest Fire Station. Without service and now very confused, we realized our google maps had taken us about 40 minutes out of the way.

NO WORRIES! Back on the road we were.
About 20 minutes uphill into the mountains, we ran out of gas. Ok, we didn't explicitly run out - but we did not have enough to keep going AND to make it back to town. We noticed a small side parking area and immediately stopped. We saw a random trailhead and all sort of shrugged at one another before turning and headed straight for it.
To get there, you can plug Colby Canyon Trail into your GPS (We promise it won't lead you to a random Fire Station like us)
From there, you can basically head straight in and follow the singular trail as long as you'd like before turning around. We went to the peak which took about an hour and came with a pretty steep elevation change.
Technically speaking, here's what we're dealing with:
If you're looking for a casual hike, we think this one ends up being a really nice way to spend a couple hours. It's often shaded, so dress warm if it's cold, or enjoy the break from the sun if you wake up late and it's already too late in the day.